So my good friend Ramon Villalobos and I have been working on a book together called the Vitruvian Underground. I love it, he loves it, it's a labor of love. We hope others at least like it. We've been doing casual updates on our tumblr page for it here: The book itself will be available in August, at my second convention of the year at Wizard World Chicago. More on that as it gets closer, but right now I'm very excited I'll have this book there for people to purchase. Like us on Facebook to follow updates too!
Vitruvian Underground, August 2011

While we worked on VU though, we worked on various paid work and commissions. And we started up our own "daily" sketchblog:
We're currently taking a week long break from it as it proved incredibly tiring with all the other work we had. But it was fun, so we'll jump back into it shortly.
Now, my main focus currently is a creator-owned comic book called Pilot. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post anything on it so I'll hold off until the writer gives me the go ahead.
The first issue of a comic book I penciled and inked now a few years ago is currently available for purchasing. It's called Veritas, written by a really, really nice guy, Joshua Pantalleresco. I know he's beyond happy that it's finally out, and so you can support both him and I by picking a copy up here: if you do, please let me know, I'm always interested in knowing who picks up my work and hearing your thoughts!

So... now I'm very busy, working on Pilot, lots of Vitruvian Underground (we have issues planned out very far ahead, and even have pages done for issue 2 and 3 - Yes, we really want people to like this!), another project I'll have to keep quiet about for now, as well as commissions, sketchblogs, and other things I'm sure. I really needed to play catch-up in informing everyone what's going on so I plan on making this easier on the mind by being more consistent with updates.
Thanks again for checking out my work, and I hope you stick around to see what comes next!
-Craig Cermak
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