Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Joker, the Ray, and Power Ring...


The Ray (Modern Age, pre-DC Relaunch - Got my nerd degree right here, check it):

Silver Age Power Ring, of the Crime Syndicate of Amerika (Love this team!):

And I've been uploading work onto my account - all original art, black and white versions, so if you're interested in that sort of thing you can check out my work here: Craig Cermak at Comic Art Fans

Been very busy with lots of new commissions and comic projects - looking forward to sharing these new things with everyone!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Animal Man

Going into the vault for some new posts, until I catch up. Penciled and inked this awhile ago for a friend of mine, but recently added the colors. Big Animal Man fan, love what Grant did with him, and I really enjoyed the first issue of the new series by Jeff Lemire and Travel Foreman.

I'm open for commissions; something similar to this would be $40. Be sure to send me an e-mail if you're interested in getting your own!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Conan of the Isles

One of the newest commissions I did earlier this week was a recreation of the cover to "Conan of the Isles," which was originally done by John Duillo. It features an older, greying Conan. I kept my older Conan pretty fit, but added more battle scars. I inked it traditionally and then added copic grey tones, followed by acrylic white. Pretty fun experimenting but I don't think I really got my Conan on, as profile shots are difficult for me.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mini Art Dump

Art dump sounds gross. Nonetheless...

A couple pieces done for the sketchblog I'm a part of with other Kubert School alumni. Check us out here: Omega Sketch

A commissioned piece of Batwing and Knight (From Grant Morrison's Batman Inc saga) that I did a couple weeks back:

I'll post a little bit here and there over the next couple weeks until I catch up, and then I'm going to try to run this blog more smoothly. Be sure to follow my deviantart or tumblr as they are more up to date with my work!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Birds of Prey

Commission piece done recently for a very nice person I met through Tumblr and Deviantart. She frequently posts my work on there and I cannot thank her enough for her support. It introduces my work to more people so I'm grateful to her for doing so.

You can follow her here:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Vitruvian Underground Kickstarter

Did the Chicago Comic Con last weekend and had a great, though exhaustive, time. I pretty much drew commissions the entire time while selling prints and copies of VU #1.

For those interested, leftover copies of the first print of Ramon Villalobos and I's comic book are available in our online store here:

BUUUTTTT, there's also the Kickstarter campaign we just launched to help raise funds to get a bigger printing done of the first issue, which will include the main story and also a back-up story not included in that first printing. Through this bigger printing we hope to distribute to any comic shops that'll have us, put them on our online store as well as take them to various conventions, and through the sales of that print the second issue and so forth. The only way to make this possible is through the help of YOU!

So please, even if you don't donate (though even a dollar can be donated!), help us spread the word around about our book - a simple tweet, a facebook post, a tumblr post, any and all way of gathering attention via social media is strongly welcomed and encouraged.


PS Page 6 just went up this past week on our site, so be sure to check that out too!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Vitruvian Underground Web-Comic

My new weekly webcomic I am doing with a friend is now online. Been working on this for awhile and I'm very happy to have it up and running. While we'll be doing a webcomic, an actual physical copy of the whole first issue will be available in August. More on that later.

Vitruvian Underground Webcomic

For this week there will be two pages, the next one being on Thursday, and then it'll continue on Thursdays from this point on.

Also, like us on Facebook: VU on Facebook and follow our Tumblr: VU on Tumblr - Definitely an easier way to follow the updates we make, and wow there's going to be a bunch these next few weeks!


Craig Cermak

Saturday, July 09, 2011

What Aren't I Up To, and Other Assorted Facts

I realized the wasted potential of my own blog here, so now prepare yourself...

So my good friend Ramon Villalobos and I have been working on a book together called the Vitruvian Underground. I love it, he loves it, it's a labor of love. We hope others at least like it. We've been doing casual updates on our tumblr page for it here: The book itself will be available in August, at my second convention of the year at Wizard World Chicago. More on that as it gets closer, but right now I'm very excited I'll have this book there for people to purchase. Like us on Facebook to follow updates too!

Vitruvian Underground, August 2011

While we worked on VU though, we worked on various paid work and commissions. And we started up our own "daily" sketchblog:

We're currently taking a week long break from it as it proved incredibly tiring with all the other work we had. But it was fun, so we'll jump back into it shortly.

Now, my main focus currently is a creator-owned comic book called Pilot. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post anything on it so I'll hold off until the writer gives me the go ahead.

The first issue of a comic book I penciled and inked now a few years ago is currently available for purchasing. It's called Veritas, written by a really, really nice guy, Joshua Pantalleresco. I know he's beyond happy that it's finally out, and so you can support both him and I by picking a copy up here: if you do, please let me know, I'm always interested in knowing who picks up my work and hearing your thoughts!

So... now I'm very busy, working on Pilot, lots of Vitruvian Underground (we have issues planned out very far ahead, and even have pages done for issue 2 and 3 - Yes, we really want people to like this!), another project I'll have to keep quiet about for now, as well as commissions, sketchblogs, and other things I'm sure. I really needed to play catch-up in informing everyone what's going on so I plan on making this easier on the mind by being more consistent with updates.

Thanks again for checking out my work, and I hope you stick around to see what comes next!

-Craig Cermak

Friday, June 17, 2011

Jesus E. Lee

Pin-up done for my friend Nick Justus's book, Jesus E. Lee. I contributed a pin-up along with a whole round-up of talented folk including Evan Peter, Ramon Villalobos, Gavin Smith, Christian Ruiz, Kevin Castaniero, and others. Check out Nick's site for more info on picking up a copy of his new comic:

Friday, May 20, 2011

Flash/Fiddler Inks and Colors

I recently colored a Flash/Fiddler piece I penciled and inked earlier this year for school. Really enjoyed working on it overall. I'll be at the NY Big Apple Con this Saturday and Sunday May 21st-22nd and will have this as a print, so please stop by and say hello! 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Batman Sample Pages

Quick post showing three Batman sample pages I did for my portfolio while at school. Still tightening up and fixing things here and there, so I'll probably post up some updates. The pages were from an R.I.P. script by Grant Morrison. Very cool story (though I know there's haters out there - please, don't come in here and shit on my parade) so it was really fun reading through one of the scripts, with all the additional info Grant puts in. Anyway, the pages...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bola #1 Cover Process

Here's a gimmick comic book cover I made for one of my assignments at the Kubert School. I was pretty happy with the end result. The idea for the cover was simple: Have the duo of Bola and Kid Sling prepare to bust into the doors of nightclub Club Chevon to take down the Great He-Goat. And I wanted the doors on the cover to open up, and have He-Goat frantically running out.

First, the sketches:

Here's the inks for both images:

Next I colored them both:

Then I spent a headache inducing amount of time cutting and pasting each thing in photoshop to create the pieces as I had to print them in order to have the doors open, and have the He-Goat underneath. Eventually it all worked out to be like this:

Overall, a fun project!